
Be the change you want to see in the world [Mahatma Ghandi]

vendredi 23 septembre 2011

Israel is not a country...Palestine is

Called also occupied territories
Since my young age I have heard every day about Palestine in news…
Every day a new number of dead and injured people…statistics…
Could any one be used to death statistics? Yes I guess…
I learned about English occupation, Belford’s promess
And I learned the difference between Jewish, Israeli and Zionist…
Still, the Palestinian issue remained ambiguous to me…
How can the World leave people to suffer for so long?? To be massacred?? Why??
I avoided watching news until the Iraqi invasion …
I remember harrying back home after school to catch up…
I remember Sahaf and the high hopes…
And I remember the Saddam’s sculpture getting hit by “shebsheb” and his kids assassinated…
The day I watched Saddam executed I re-boycotted serious TV…
Until…December 2008…Gaza

I still remember all these photos
Kids massacred every single day in Gaza…I used to watch these photos animated with the mothers’ shouting and the “Allahu akbar”s…wondering what kind of human being could do that? And what for?
Every day I wondered how long is this gonna last?!
I remember the feeling of being so week …so powerless
That was simply disgusting…depressing
I also remember that I was living a nice love story back then…
Life never stops! It goes on and goes on…
I couldn’t even imagine some one throwing me out of my home…calling me refugee in my own country…

I do know why I hate Israel and why I defend Palestine
Not because Israelis are Jewish and Palestinians are Muslims…
Because Palestinians are human beings whom country was stolen, whom trees was massacred as well as they kids…all this and a way more by Israelis…
Palestine is indeed a country, Palestine has ancient history…
Israel isn’t a country; it is an occupation force, enforced by war criminals, it has nothing but a fiction of a promise…
The whole world is being a coward facing the Palestinian issue…
An issue we inherited from our parents…I fear it will be passed to our kids…
I will teach mine about Sabra & Sahtila memorial, I will tell them about 2008 massacre, I will listen to Trio Joubran with them, I will read for them Mahmood Darwish’s poetry…
I hope they won’t have to watch any massacre them selves…

dimanche 18 septembre 2011

اِركب توّة

تحبّ تقرب للشّعب؟ تحتكّ بيه، ترى همومو (الجامدة) و تسمع الّي شاغلو؟
...عليك بالمترو الخفيف

في المترو تلقى ارهاط الشّعب الكلّ...عذرا، فئات الشّعب الكلّ! تلقى الّي يسرق والّي 
يساسي والّي بين الاثنين يكلت شاقي ومش لاقي...

...تلقى الّي لابس السّينيي والّي حافي

في المترو تسمع اخبار الكورة و السّياسة واللّموضة و تسمع مغامرات الغبّار و هو مروّح فرحان مالحبس شاري لمرتو روبة ...و تسمع تڨريعة الّي بالعو طوبة 

...في المترو تعرف ڨدّاشو الشّعب التّونسي متلاحم و متكاتف 

فقط في المترو تشوف حرص التّونسي على اختو التّونسيّة و حنانو عليها، مساندتو ليها و تمسّكو بيها في كلّ المنعرجات ...الخطيرة و غير الخطيرة 

...في المترو تختبر مدى صبر التّونسي على مختلف الصّعوبات و قدرتو على رفع التّحدّيات 

ماللّخر المترو هو وين تنجّم تحسّ الشّعب بحواسّك لكل : تراه، تسمعو، تمسّو و تشمّو و انت و زهرك عاد اطّيح ببارفان يشرّه ولاّ ضبّوط شايط يدرّع...

 ...تبقّى الذّوق هذاكة سلعة مفقودة في البلاد من بكري

لذا نصيحة لكل واحد يحبّ يدخل لمعترك الحياة السّياسيّة من بابها الكبير و يلوّج على الشّعبيّة ... عليك بالمترو عشيري و عشير كلّ زوالية... اِركب توّة...